CUSTOMS SERVICES | svařování, kovovýroba, z nerezi, tlumiče výfuků, koncovky výfuků, svařence, tryskání, metalizace, doprava, spedice, celní služby, intrastat, sklady, pronájmy
CUSTOMS SERVICESCustoms declarations- we are your solution in the area of customs clearance of goods Intrastat- we process the agenda and represent the client before the customs administration
INTRASTATThis is a registration and statistical system for the movement of goods between EU Member States, that is, between the Czech Republic and other EU Member States when these goods have been shipped from the Czech Republic to another EU Member State or have been accepted into the Czech Republic from another EU Member State, where the condition has to be met that the GOODS PHYSICALLY TRANSFERRED THE STATE BORDERS OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC. Komu vzniká povinnost vykazování?POVINNOST vykazovat data pro INTRASTAT vzniká osobám (právnickým i fyzickým) pokud jsou registrovány k DPH v ČR, odeslaly zboží do jiného členského státu nebo přijaly zboží z jiného členského státu, a to v hodnotě dosahující prahu pro vykazování údajů do hlášení INTRASTAT. Who is obliged to reportOBLIGATION to report data for INTRASTAT is created for individuals (both legal and physical) if they are registered for VAT in the Czech Republic, dispatched goods to another Member State or received goods from another Member State at a value reaching the reporting threshold for INTRASTAT. The thresholds (reporting limit) are set at CZK 8 million for dispatched goods or CZK 8 million for received goods. |
CUSTOMS DECLARATIONPROCESSING OF THE COMPLETE CUSTOMS DOCUMENTATIONin all customs regimes: NCTS– we are the user of the electronic data transmission system between the declarant and the customs authorities eIMPORT– we are an authorized and active participant in the electronic customs administration TEMPORARY TARIFF STORAGEin the warehouse on our premises |
TASPEK, spol. s r.o.Hnojník 442 DIČ (VAT): CZ49611747 |
Výroba objednávky a fakturaceProduction, Ordering and Billing:
Doprava, spedice, celní služby, skladováníTransport, forwarding, customs services, storage:
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